Tuesday, October 9, 2012

TMI Tuesday - oh so random

Hey, hey, hey, hey…Time to get random again on TMI Tuesday. Why? Because it is fun to know random stuff about you; it can reveal a lot about your personality.

1. Tell us about your sluttiest act ever.

The first one that comes to mind was a night we went out to a club with our single female friend. The Hubs took turns touching, kissing & touching some more each of us in the dark club. It wasn't dark enough to be fully hidden from view and we weren't really trying to hide! The people around us definitely took notice and the looks on their faces was priceless.

Of course we went back to our house after to release the built-up tension!!

2. Have you ever played air-guitar. . .naked?

Have I ever done in fully-clothed? No to both.

3. To what song do you most like to play air-guitar either clothed or naked?

See #2, this is a dumb question,

4. Are you good in bed? Why?

Well, I don't think I can really accurately answer that. I'd say you'd have to talk to my partners to find that out. However, I did have a partner turn to The Hubs and say "she really does low sucking cock, huh?" So I take that as a sign of some enjoyment ;)

5. What FEELS Sexy to you–tactile sensation? (Leave sight and taste out of this)

Done to me? Kiss/Bite my back/shoulders/neck.

To do? I love just stroking a hard cock. One finger, play around just feel the pulsing.

Bonus: Write a six word autobiography.

Sarcastic slut living a good life.

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