Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Swinger status?

Are you really still a swinger...If you haven't swung in a few months??

Sometimes we take breaks, sometimes we just hit a cold streak but I've been wondering lately at what point do you lose your "swinger" status?

Lately I've been in a boy toy slump. Some of the opportunities have fizzled and some I have stomped out as quickly as possible. So for various reasons it has been a while since I have played with a man other than The Hubs. I am ok with this because let's face it, he is still my favorite fuck ;) but... How long can a slump last before you are considered out of the game?

Is it weeks, months, years? Does living in this lifestyle have an expiration date? Or can you (in theory) keep going for as long as you physically can?

It made me start to imagine an old woman chatting online with potential playmates while her dentures sat in a glass next to her. I mean, that's what we are all heading for right? When I get emails from old couples I'm generally repulsed - but at some point that's going to be me unless our swinger journey runs it's course before then.

So for me, it begs the question... How do you know if it's a slump or the end of your journey? I don't feel like I'm done, not my a long shot... But it all made me wonder about the grander scheme of it all.


The Wife

1 comment:

  1. Sure you are! Over the course of the 3 yrs Veronica and I have been swingers we've taken a break several times, occasionally for a few months. Sometimes real life stuff gets in the way so you take a break. As long as you think you're going back to the lifestyle, I think you're still a swinger.

    I do have to say, after she and I went to an on-premise club and saw a 70-something yr old woman riding a Sibian, I think the idea of an expiration date is a pretty good one!
