Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tales from a Bachelorette Party: I've Never

If you didn't know this already, girls talk. A lot. Get a girl drunk and most likely she'll spill some secrets. So put six girls in a hotel room with all day drinking... there will be details shared!

It was after we returned from the bar on the last night of the trip. We had been drinking for over 12 hours and before I knew it we were sitting around our hotel room playing a game of "I've never"

The questions started and as I had to drink almost every time I realized this was potentially a dangerously revealing game. I was going to have to decide how honest I was going to be. More and more I had to drink.

"I've never had anal sex..." The Wife drinks

"I've never taken naked pictures of myself..." The Wife drinks

"I've never had sex in a public place"... I almost burst out laughing thinking of how we almost always end up playing in a group room at Eyz.

"I've never video taped myself in a sexual act"... yea yea, I drank to that one too.

At what point would I stop sharing the info? What if they flat out asked about the orgy I basically admitted to having. I had already said earlier that The Hubs was my first - and I never mentioned any periods of us being broken up. So how soon would these ladies put the clues together and figure out that I really am a slut?

The questions began to taper off and transitioned into "what would you do?" and I started to have a little reprieve from my anxiety. I wondered later if they knew not to ask many more questions... knowing they may not want to hear what I had to say!

What did I learn?

First, a lot of my friends are prudes. Seriously, one of them needs to be helped to pull the stick out. Secondly, I'm running out of things I've never done... hmmm...

The Wife

1 comment:

  1. You've never done me .... YET!!! :)@Tony_in_Tampa
