Friday, February 22, 2013


If you get nothing else from my posts on this blog I hope that you understand how important communication between you and your spouse is.

I take pride in how well I think The Hubs and I communicate with each other. Verbally, non-verbally and everything in between we are usually right in sync with each other. But sometimes that means we get lazy. Well, I get lazy. I assume The Hubs will stay in sync. And sometimes it doesn't work out so well.

A few weeks ago we made plans to go to Eyz Wide Shut again. We found out a couple we had casually chatted with were also going. We decided it would be now or never to meet up. (Sometimes when you're both parents you take whatever meeting arrangements you can make work) We made sure everyone knew it was a no-pressure-to-play meeting even if we were in a sex club.

When we met it was good. They were easy to chat with and we hung out for a while. It was, however, very vanilla. They were attractive and there were signs that we were passing their tests too. The downfall? They were super popular! Either it was the biggest coincidence in the world or they go to the club a lot more than they let on because they seemed to know everyone! And eventually we ended up with a third couple hanging out with us.

It stayed vanilla but promising, after all we were in the bar. OK, maybe a little weird, at least in my head, trying to figure out if this was a "go" and if that meant it was now a 6-some? Lots of questions, but I had decided to go with the flow and see where it took me. I went to the rest room and when I returned I found The Hubs standing alone at our table. He explained that they'd gone for some sweets at the buffet. I sat back down not sure if that meant they were coming back or not. The Hubs looked at me and asked if I was ready to go next door. Taking that to mean he was ready I said "sure!" We went next door and never saw the other couples even as we left.

The next day as The Hubs and I were deconstructing the events of the night he asked me why I had been ready to bail on the others?

Huh? Me, I thought you were ready I explained... Yep, it was a total misread on both of our parts and we ended up leaving a potential play. Oops....

We've decided we need an actual code phrase from now on. Even the best communicators can fail and you might just miss out!

The Wife


  1. I gotta tell you, having a code word or phrase has saved Veronica and I from a communication breakdown numerous times!

  2. We have had communication issues like that at Eyz. It is like when you are there, there is just so much stuff going on it is hard to process it all. One time we were chatting with a couple in the playroom, I liked the girl but not the guy. After the fact my husband told me they hinted at some girl/girl play but I just never caught on. Sounds like you erred on the cautious side, and you wound up with your husband so it can't be that bad :)
