Monday, June 3, 2013


There comes a certain time in every play date. And that would be the time to leave. Yes, it is true, no matter how awesome the time was there will come a time you're ready for your playmate to get the fuck out. 

If you're in the same room that may lead to an awkward moment. What if you're not done but the other couple is? Do you sit around and watch? Get dressed and go sit on the couch? What if the other couple wants to keep going and going but you're a one-and-done pairing?  So many possible scenarios, and so many can be awkward. 

We once met a couple who had a unique way of avoiding these potentially awkward times. They said it so matter-of-factly too; we would simply get two hotel rooms, do our play and meet for breakfast the next day to re-swap spouses. This gave each of us the entire night and morning tp have our fill of our playmate. 

Talk about giving a whole new meaning to the phrase "full swap"!

I'm pretty sure I started laughing when she said it, I was sure she was joking! I mean, overnight?! Same hotel but no seeing The Hubs until the next day? No rehashing the details and "reclaiming" each other after play? Sleep together as in sleep? With your husband, not mine? Like with snoring and morning breath? 

Uhh... Really? 

It is one thing if you're away and have permission from your spouse to play, obviously you would be apart for that. But this was very different. He would be down the hall, or even next door yet we'd be apart. All I could imagine was going to bed after the sex and having my playmate listen to my snores. Then waking up to my stinky morning breath and crazy sleep-hair. Talk about a turn-on! Woo baby... Hot. Stuff. 

This episode was over two years ago and I still find it just as odd. For some reason to me this crosses too closely into real-life mode. Swinging is about the NSA sex, for fun... and for me I don't think that includes my sleeping and morning routines. 

You know that phrase "a face only a mother could love?" I kind of think that applies to any snoring, morning breath, talking in your sleep etc. that comes with the intimacy of an overnight sleepover. These are things only a spouse can love. Or hate, but still find you lovable and sexy despite it all. 

Either way. ;)

The Wife


  1. We always enjoyed having couples spend the night when we invited them to play. Once the male half of a couple over did the alcohol thing. Another time the male only wanted watch. It was near midnight when we realized the true situation and were too polite to throe them out in the cold. Other than these two all of our other overnight visitors were great play mates

  2. I don't often disagree with your opinions, but just read this and had to add my $0.02.
    Overnights add another level of taboo I fantasize about and love. When the factors you mention are overwhelming, share a shower or bath and then have an oral marathon or extended massage. It allows you to have a prolonged experience that allows you to see another dimension of a person's sexuality and to share more of your own. Yummy.
