Saturday, April 14, 2012

Taking credit

Last week I got a got a gift from my wish list. (Apparently they really do work) But since it come to me anonymously from Amazon I didn't know who it was from. Since my wish list is only on my Twitter profile I sent out the all call to see who had sent me the new toy.

A few hours later a man replied that he had sent it. I thanked him and started following him. We chatted a bit and I told him I would be playing with it later and would take pictures to post. We didn't get in depth but he did ask several times about when I was going to use the toy (had to wait until all small people are in bed, if ya know what I mean?)

As I went to start playing I noticed a name on the Amazon sticker. A name that didn't match the ethnicity of the man claiming credit. But, still no one else had said anything so I had nothing else to go on other than a gut feeling that it wasn't from him. The Hubs and I played with the toy and he fucked the hell outta me and it was HOT. I took a few pics of it and then posted them on Twitter as my thanks.

It wasn't until the next day that a new tweep came forward asking if I had gotten the toy. This man matched the description, time zone and was definitely the actual purchaser. I reached out to the first guy and asked him. After a long delay he finally fessed up.

While I think he's harmless I can't help but wonder what's the end game? He tried to pull the same thing with a friend of mine so it's probably not the only time he's done this. Ballsy, though - I mean as I said to him, you had to know the person who actually did send it would eventually say something and you'd be busted. Plus, I posted the pictures publicly so he would have gotten to see them even without the whole story!

Oh well, a few days later my new friend (the real one) sent me one more thing...

The Wife

1 comment:

  1. That's fucked up, wow.

    And then's the picture of you, which elicits a 'wow' of another sort :-)
