Tuesday, August 7, 2012

TMI Tuesday... What's the question?

We have provided the answer, now you provide the question. For example:

Answer (given): 28 marbles. Question (you the blogger create): How many did she fit in her vagina?

1. Answer: My butt. Now you write the question for each answer given.

Question: What is The Hubs favorite feature about me?

2. Answer: stiletto black leather pumps

Question: What accessory says "Let's Fuck" no matter how tame the outfit?

3. Answer: hard and stiff

Question: How I take cock

4. Answer: “By George I think he’s got it!”

Question: The thought when a new playmate finally finds his groove.

5. Answer: socks

Question: What is the least sexiest accessory. Ever.

6. Answer: hole in the wall

Question: What is a gateway to the unknown?

How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your blog, answer the questions there, then leave a comment on the tmituesdayblog so we’ll all know where to read your responses!

Happy TMI Tuesday!

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