That much alcohol usually leads to memory loss, and this night was certainly no different. I remember leaving the bar, then I'm at home and the next thing I knew it was morning. I have flashes of memory from the night, including a mysterious goodbye with The Friend's girl. I only remember the surprised look on her face. I have no idea what I said to her. I can only hope it wasn't "Hey, I've been wanting to bang your man for a while now" I am left to hope that since she hasn't clawed my eyes out yet I'm in the clear. For all I rambled incoherently... I hope...
Then there was the texting...
Drunk texting is a perfect technological update to drunk dialing... Because when you're super drunk, and don't remember any of what you said - you have a complete account of everything. Yep. I even took pictures that I don't remember taking. Luckily I passed out before I posed or sent them to anyone! Below is an actual with my BFF . Clearly I had no idea what I was talking about!
But my personal favorite were the gem tweets that I sent out... By the way, you should know I thought to myself before I checked twitter - "Oh, I passed out before even tweeting anything last night, I bet they're going to tease me about passing out before even being able to drunk tweet"... little did I know that this is what I had sent....
and this...
What can I say? I was having a good night.
Best part of it?
I woke up feeling totally fine the next day. I give my Grandfather credit for passing along fine Irish genes for holding liquor. But really, I always want to high five my body for a job well done too.
The Wife
I remember reading those as they were coming in and laughing, thinking "Jane's having a blast!":-)