Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pillow Talk

I've recently heard of an interesting pillow talk situation. In a nutshell pillow talk was shared with friends who had appeared in the fantasies and it got me thinking about pillow talk in general. I think I've mentioned before that I enjoy the pillow talk The Hubs and I engage in. In fact, last Saturday night The Hubs actually stopped fucking me to laugh at how tight my pussy got after he made a comment about The Friend.  ha!

But, unlike in the situation I was told about is that our pillow talk is just for us. Even though people we know in real life make (frequent) appearances in our fantasies doesn't mean I would consider sharing that information with them. And, that goes for The Friend as well - even though he knows way more than anyone else that makes pillow talk pop ins - he doesn't need to know what we're saying in the privacy of our fucking!

Maybe it's just me, but I think pillow talk is for whoever is involved at the moment and no one else.

Am I wrong? Would you share yours with your crushes?

The Wife 


  1. Is it wrong to say I have a crush on you?

  2. Veronica and I have told certain friends that they've been the subject of our pillow talk. Of course, these are naughty friends who would like hearing that!

    And um, seems to me that a certain friend of mine in Florida has told me that Veronica and I were the subject of pillow talk between her and her hubby :-p
