Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Friend - follow up

In case anyone was curious The Friend did not text me last night.

No secret playtime or even any random drunk texts. And, even though I was not under any delusion that he would text (the house and my lady parts weren't even prepared for a first date lol) there was a part of me that was curious. And that means by default a piece of me was disappointed. Not like a girl-eats-a-carton-of-ice-cream-bender kind of disappointed but the "eh, he proved me right :( damn"

So does that mean I would do it I push came to shove?

Hmmm..... We may never know!

However - the night was by no means a bust - The Hubs and I made a video with my new hitachi wand and then fucked until I ran out of cum ;) Damn that man can fuck!!!!


The Wife

1 comment:

  1. Too bad about the friend. But the video sounds like fun! :-)
