The other day I sent out the following tweet:
As a general swinger rule if you are more interested in me than your wife I am no longer interested in you :)
I think this needs further clarification....
This means -
If you keep secrets from your spouse
If you no longer have sex with your spouse
If you belittle your spouse's appearance
If you seem to use swinging as a means to fill a void because your no longer find your spouse attractive.
These are examples of some things we have run into and they all fall into the category of "no longer interested".
For us, there are zero secrets. And we aren't like the couples who say they share everything and then in chatting it comes out that they take steps to hide things. My favorite example of this is the couple we chatted with that claimed to share all details. Then in chatting with The Hubs it came out that the wife would be sure to delete their texts from during the day, and used work as an excuse to get out of the house and have secret time with playmates. In fact she had basically had an affair with a playmate, yet they claimed to share all details... hmmm.
We love having sex with each other, in fact so far no other man has been able to live up to The Hubs skills. (Challenge Accepted, anyone? lol) So there is no void being filled, no lack of enjoyment being sought. This is fun we have together, as a couple enjoying sex and our sexy spouses.
And, for the record - if The Hubs ever belittled me to a playmate he'd be finding his own ride home. But, I know he never would because he was bothered by it for that wife. It was awful!
Hopefully this will clarify my tweet. I know it seems like this is a women-are-never-happy thing since I'm constantly bitching about the right amount of attention etc. I'm not here to fill your wife's spot as sexiest woman alive in your eyes, I'm just a slut who likes to have fun!
The Wife
Even the Twitter version made total sense to us!
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